Rock Your Inner Weekend Warrior at the Dash for Dogs 5K

Dash for the Dogs 5k

If you happen to be on Northern Illinois on Sunday, May 22nd you have the chance to run a 5K with your canine companion while helping the Animal House Shelter raise money to care for the thousands of dogs and cats that they rescue each year.

The Dash for the Dogs 5K race course is certified and timed. Awards are given for the top finishers in 11 different age groups, and the top finishers overall. Last year the first three runners ran it in less than 20 minutes, but even if you and your pooch end up taking an hour, you'll walk away with an snazzy T-shirt and the warm fuzzy feeling of helping out with a noble cause.

Since opening their doors in 2002, the Animal House Shelter in Huntley, Illinois has rescued, rehabilitated, and adopted a whopping 28,000 dogs and cats. That's a really big number but what is even more impressive is that 98% these animals came from pounds and animal control facilities with high rates of euthanasia. The Animal House Shelter takes in these pets regardless of age, breed or known health problems and rehabilitates them mentally and physically.

We are so happy to have chosen the Dash for the Dogs 5K as an Iron Doggy™ Selected Event, and we look forward to seeing which of the lucky runners ends up taking home a SideKick hands-free leash.

Picture courtesy of the Animal House Shelter

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