Ever since Neely Spence Gracey and her running companion Strider appeared on the cover of Runner's World Magazine wearing the Iron Doggy™ SideKick leash we've taken a keen interest in Strider's progression as both a runner and the "dogter" (daughter) of a world-class athlete. Always the considerate soul, Strider recently took time out from her busy schedule to send us an update.
Here's what she had to say ...
I have been busy with a series of 5K’s this winter. I typically run 1-3 days a week, sometimes less if it’s too cold. My preference is to only go outside if it’s above 30º, and even then, please put a sweater on me. My humans are considering trying booties since my feet get cold…does anyone have recommendations? Post-run, my favorite thing is to grab one of my babies and zoom around the house showing them all how I can run so much faster! After a run (and zoomies), a nap is in store.
Speaking of babies, (that’s what my parents call my stuffed animals), my mom has been so weird lately. She said she is getting me another baby but it won’t be here until August. I don’t understand what that means, but she has been tired and keeps saying I am such a supportive big sister for napping with her. She doesn’t let me lay on her belly any more though, which is a bummer because it’s such a nice pillow!
I can’t wait for spring! I love running in the sunshine and hearing all the birds! Maybe I can run with mom more once there isn’t snow on the ground. She doesn’t do workouts these days, and she runs shorter distances so we can go the whole way together (but she runs super slow, which is so boring). I also learned how to swim last summer (my parents got me a life jacket to help me figure out how to use my back legs in the water). We live beside a creek, and when it gets hot, it’s fun to cross-train in the water!
Well, that’s my update. Happy Running my friends!
=== Note from Iron Doggy™ to Strider - about those boots...we've had excellent results using Musher's Secret.